Trans-Southeast Asia Research Lecture Series. #8Reflecting on Aspects of Conviviality in Artistic Engagement
2:30 p.m., April 24, 2023
Lecture Hall, 1st Floor, Art Museum of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, No.257 East Changgang Road, Guangzhou
Chinese and English
本次讲座将延展叶绍斌在泛东南亚三年展序列研究展#3 对于“参与式艺术”的两种回应中的相关分享《下乡/进场:“东南亚”吉隆坡的艺术家自主空间/团体实践》,以期促进不同语境与实践间的相互映照。
This presentation reflects on my experience in a range of artistic practices including exhibition of artwork in gallery setting; art collective projects in non-whitecube space: school, transportation hub, public housing; and curation of media art project. The intention is to consider the aspects and challenges of being or envisioning a mode of conviviality which invites participation, a space of sharing and co-interpretation of meanings, or failure of such.
Chen Xiaoyang
Ph.D. in Anthropology
Executive Vice Director of the Art Museum of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts
Professor of the School of Sculpture and Public Art
广州美术学院新美术馆学研究中心 研究员
Lu Sipei
Ph.D. in Museum Studies
Researcher at Research Centre for New Art Museum Studies

叶绍斌(Sau Bin Yap)
艺术家、策展人、教育工作者,工作生活于吉隆坡,任职于马来西亚多媒体大学创意媒体学院。叶绍斌是艺术家团体热水湖屋(Rumah Air Panas,简称RAP)的创始成员。受广州美术学院新美术馆学研究中心研究员陆思培邀请,为“对于‘参与式艺术’的两种回应”之“穿针引线”特邀研究协作。
他曾参与第8届哈瓦那双年展;第52届威尼斯双年展的活动"移民成瘾者";2007年深港城市\建筑双城双年展等。他曾在2000年和2002年获得国家艺术馆颁发的青年当代艺术奖。叶氏是Rogue Art出版社《马来西亚艺术中的叙事》的工作组成员。他曾在2020年QAGOMA举办的第10届亚太三年展、2017年 "太阳雨:东南亚当代艺术展 "、上海外滩美术馆举办的2018年Hugo Boss亚洲新锐艺术家大奖等项目中参与研讨或提名活动。他最近的策展项目包括由日本国际交流基金会于2017年在吉隆坡举办的'ESCAPE from SEA';2019年在曼谷大学美术馆举办的BRANDNEW艺术项目等。
Yap is an artist-curator and educator based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He coordinates the Master of Creative Multimedia Taught Course programme and teaches for Humanities subjects in the Faculty of Creative Multimedia, Multimedia University. He is a member of Rumah Air Panas [RAP], an artist initiative based in Kuala Lumpur. His practices encompass conceptual work, installation, performance, mapping project and curatorial project with RAP.
Yap has participated in the 8th Havana Biennale in 2006; in Migration Addicts, a collateral event project in the 52nd Venice Biennale, and in the ShenZhen & Hong Kong Bi-city Biennale of Urbanism & Architecture, in 2007. He had received awards in the Young Contemporaries Arts Award by the National Art Gallery in 2000 and 2002. And has been selected for research residency in Japan under the JENESYS Programme for Creators by the Japan Foundation in 2008. Yap had also worked on the Narratives in Malaysian Art volumes published by Rogue Art. He has also served on the jury panel for the 2013 Young Contemporary Arts Award; as nominator for the Sovereign Asian Art Prize 2014 - 2016, Arts Maebashi AIR Programme 2016-2018 and the 2017 Hugo Boss Asia Art award. Recent curatorial project includes ‘ESCAPE from the SEA’ organised by the Japan Foundation in Kuala Lumpur in 2017; the BRANDNEW Art Project at the Bangkok University Gallery in 2019; interlocutor for the 10th Asia Pacific Triennial, QAGOMA in 2020; and in the Curatorial/Collaborator Research team for the first Trans-Southeast Asia Triennial, Art Museum of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Art. Other engagement includes How Has Contemporary Art Represented Southeast Asia? symposium at the 2017 Sunshower: Contemporary Art from Southeast Asia Exhibition at the Mori Art Museum, Tokyo. And the 2018 Hugo Boss Asia Art Conference by Rockbund Art Museum, Shanghai.